outfit |
a set of articles assembled for a particular activity. [5 definitions] |
outflank |
to maneuver around or beyond the side or flank of (a military opponent). [2 definitions] |
outflow |
a flowing out of anything, or the quantity that flows out. [2 definitions] |
outfox |
to outwit or gain the advantage over through cunning; outsmart. |
outfumble |
combined form of fumble. |
outgain |
combined form of gain. |
outgeneral |
to outdo or excel in commanding, managing, or functioning as a leader. |
outglitter |
combined form of glitter. |
outgo |
to leave far behind; outdistance. [4 definitions] |
outgoing |
going out or leaving, as a vessel; outbound. [3 definitions] |
outgrew |
past tense of "outgrow." |
outgross |
combined form of gross. |
outgrow |
to grow too big or old for. [4 definitions] |
outgrown |
past participle of "outgrow." |
outgrowth |
that which develops or results from something. [2 definitions] |
outguess |
to accurately anticipate and forestall the actions of; outwit. |
outhouse |
an outbuilding, often a small shed housing an outdoor toilet; privy. |
outhunt |
combined form of hunt. |
outhustle |
combined form of hustle. |
outing |
a trip away from home or school, for a day or less, usu. for pleasure; excursion or field trip. [2 definitions] |
out in left field |
(informal) a position or opinion that is untenable, unlikely, or wrong. |