outscheme |
combined form of scheme. |
outscoop |
combined form of scoop. |
outscore |
combined form of score. |
outsell |
to sell more than (another). |
outset |
the first stage; beginning. |
outshine |
to be brighter or more brilliant than. [2 definitions] |
outshoot |
to shoot better or farther than. [3 definitions] |
outshout |
combined form of shout. |
outside |
the outer side or surface. [10 definitions] |
outside of |
with the exception of. |
outsider |
someone or something not inside a boundary, limit, or the like. [3 definitions] |
outsing |
combined form of sing. |
outsit |
to sit longer than (someone or something); outwait. [2 definitions] |
outsize |
of a garment, an uncommon size, esp. an extraordinarily large size. [2 definitions] |
outskirts |
the edges or outlying areas of a city. |
outsmart |
to gain the advantage of by cleverness; outwit. |
outsmart oneself |
to cause (one's plans) to backfire by excessive or misdirected cleverness. |
outsoar |
combined form of soar. |
outsource |
to purchase (goods or services) from an outside supplier instead of producing (the same goods or services) internally. |
outsparkle |
combined form of sparkle. |
outspeed |
combined form of speed. |