overboard |
over the side of a vessel into the water. |
overbold |
combined form of bold. |
overbook |
to sell more reservations or tickets, as for an airplane flight, than there are available spaces. |
overborrow |
combined form of borrow. |
overbreathing |
combined form of breathing. |
overbrief |
combined form of brief. |
overbright |
combined form of bright. |
overbroad |
combined form of broad. |
overbrutal |
combined form of brutal. |
overbuild |
to build more, larger, or more elaborate structures than necessary or advisable in (an area). [3 definitions] |
overburden |
to place an excessive burden, responsibility, or work load upon. [2 definitions] |
overburn |
combined form of burn. |
overbusy |
combined form of busy. |
overcame |
past tense of "overcome." |
overcapitalize |
to provide excessive capital for (a business). [2 definitions] |
overcareful |
combined form of careful. |
overcast |
of the sky, mostly filled with clouds; cloudy. [5 definitions] |
overcaution |
combined form of caution. |
overcautious |
combined form of cautious. |
overcentralize |
combined form of centralize. |
overcharge |
to require an excessively high price from. [4 definitions] |