overburn |
combined form of burn. |
overbusy |
combined form of busy. |
overcame |
past tense of "overcome." |
overcapitalize |
to provide excessive capital for (a business). [2 definitions] |
overcareful |
combined form of careful. |
overcast |
of the sky, mostly filled with clouds; cloudy. [5 definitions] |
overcaution |
combined form of caution. |
overcautious |
combined form of cautious. |
overcentralize |
combined form of centralize. |
overcharge |
to require an excessively high price from. [4 definitions] |
overchill |
combined form of chill. |
overcivilized |
combined form of civilized. |
overclaim |
combined form of claim. |
overclassification |
combined form of classification. |
overclassify |
combined form of classify. |
overclean |
combined form of clean. |
overcloud |
to make or become cloudy. |
overcoat |
an outer coat worn in rainy or cold weather. |
overcome |
to defeat or quell in a conflict; succeed in a struggle with. [5 definitions] |
overcommercialize |
combined form of commercialize. |
overcommunicate |
combined form of communicate. |