overclaim |
combined form of claim. |
overclassification |
combined form of classification. |
overclassify |
combined form of classify. |
overclean |
combined form of clean. |
overcloud |
to make or become cloudy. |
overcoat |
an outer coat worn in rainy or cold weather. |
overcome |
to defeat or quell in a conflict; succeed in a struggle with. [5 definitions] |
overcommercialize |
combined form of commercialize. |
overcommunicate |
combined form of communicate. |
overcommunication |
combined form of communication. |
overcompensate |
to make an adjustment beyond what is required. [3 definitions] |
overcomplex |
combined form of complex. |
overcompliance |
combined form of compliance. |
overcomplicate |
combined form of complicate. |
overcomplicated |
combined form of complicated. |
overcompress |
combined form of compress. |
overconcentration |
combined form of concentration. |
overconcern |
combined form of concern. |
overconcerned |
combined form of concerned. |
overconfidence |
combined form of confidence. |
overconfident |
having more confidence than is warranted by one's abilities. |