overenamored |
combined form of enamored. |
overencourage |
combined form of encourage. |
overenergetic |
combined form of energetic. |
overengineer |
combined form of engineer. |
overenrolled |
combined form of enrolled. |
overentertained |
combined form of entertained. |
overenthusiasm |
combined form of enthusiasm. |
overenthusiastic |
combined form of enthusiastic. |
overequipped |
combined form of equipped. |
overestimate |
to place too high or great an estimate on. [2 definitions] |
overestimation |
combined form of estimation. |
overevaluation |
combined form of evaluation. |
overexaggerate |
combined form of exaggerate. |
overexaggeration |
combined form of exaggeration. |
overexcite |
combined form of excite. |
overexcited |
combined form of excited. |
overexercise |
combined form of exercise. |
overexert |
combined form of exert. |
overexertion |
combined form of exertion. |
overexpand |
combined form of expand. |
overexpansion |
combined form of expansion. |