overhomogenize |
combined form of homogenize. |
overhunt |
combined form of hunt. |
overhunting |
combined form of hunting. |
overhype |
combined form of hype. |
overidealize |
combined form of idealize. |
overidentification |
combined form of identification. |
overidentify |
combined form of identify. |
overimaginative |
combined form of imaginative. |
overindebtedness |
combined form of indebtedness. |
overindulge |
to engage in some action or use something to excess; indulge too much. [2 definitions] |
overindulgence |
combined form of indulgence. |
overindulgent |
combined form of indulgent. |
overindustrialize |
combined form of industrialize. |
overinflate |
combined form of inflate. |
overinflated |
combined form of inflated. |
overinflation |
combined form of inflation. |
overinform |
combined form of inform. |
overinformed |
combined form of informed. |
overingenious |
combined form of ingenious. |
overingenuity |
combined form of ingenuity. |
overinsistent |
combined form of insistent. |