overlengthen |
combined form of lengthen. |
overlie |
to lie upon or over. |
overliteral |
combined form of literal. |
overliterary |
combined form of literary. |
overload |
to put too heavy or great a load in or on; overburden. [2 definitions] |
overlook |
to fail to notice, perceive, or consider. [6 definitions] |
overlord |
a ruler of other people or of other rulers. [2 definitions] |
overloud |
combined form of loud. |
overlush |
combined form of lush. |
overly |
to the point of excess; too. |
overman |
to supply with more personnel than necessary. |
overmanage |
combined form of manage. |
overmannered |
combined form of mannered. |
overmaster |
to overcome or subdue; become master over. |
overmatch |
to match against a competitor who is too large, too well-conditioned, or too skillful. [2 definitions] |
overmature |
combined form of mature. |
overmaturity |
combined form of maturity. |
overmedicate |
combined form of medicate. |
overmedication |
combined form of medication. |
overmighty |
combined form of mighty. |
overmilk |
combined form of milk. |