oversophisticated |
combined form of sophisticated. |
oversoul |
in transcendental philosophy, the supposed spiritual essence or vital force that animates and motivates all living things. |
overspecialize |
combined form of specialize. |
overspeculate |
combined form of speculate. |
overspeculation |
combined form of speculation. |
overspread |
to spread or cover over. |
overstability |
combined form of stability. |
overstate |
to inflate the importance of; exaggerate. |
overstay |
to stay beyond the limits of. |
overstep |
to exceed (a boundary or limit). |
overstimulate |
combined form of stimulate. |
overstimulation |
combined form of stimulation. |
overstock |
to order more of (something) than can be sold or conveniently stored. [2 definitions] |
overstress |
combined form of stress. |
overstretch |
combined form of stretch. |
overstructured |
combined form of structured. |
overstuff |
to fill or pack (something) too full. [2 definitions] |
overstuffed |
packed too full. [2 definitions] |
oversubscribe |
to subscribe for more of (something) than can be supplied. |
oversubtle |
combined form of subtle. |
oversuds |
combined form of suds. |