padlock |
a portable lock for fastening doors, boxes, cables, and the like. [2 definitions] |
padre |
father (a form of address used for a priest in Spanish-speaking countries). |
padrone |
a master; boss. [2 definitions] |
paduasoy |
a rich, strong, corded silk fabric. [2 definitions] |
paean |
a song or hymn sung as an expression of praise. |
paella |
a Spanish dish combining chicken, rice, vegetables, and usu. meat and seafood, that is seasoned with saffron. |
paeon |
a metrical unit of one long and three short syllables that may occur in any order. |
pagan |
a person professing belief in a polytheistic religion. [6 definitions] |
paganize |
to make or become pagan. |
page1 |
one side of a sheet of printed or written paper. [6 definitions] |
page2 |
esp. formerly, a young person who attends someone of authority such as a king. [3 definitions] |
pageant |
a public spectacle with much colorful display, often celebrating and commemorating events of history or legend and presenting scenes from these. [2 definitions] |
pageantry |
grand, colorful, or spectacular display. [3 definitions] |
pageboy |
a hair style in which the hair is worn in a straight long bob, with the ends rolled under. |
pager |
a portable electronic receiver that emits a signal when the person carrying it is paged and displays the phone number to be called. |
Paget's disease |
a disease that deforms or weakens bones. [2 definitions] |
paginate |
to number the pages of (a book, magazine, or the like). |
pagination |
the system of numbered pages in a book. |
pagoda |
a religious temple of eastern or southern Asia, often Hindu or Buddhist and having elaborate roof lines at each of many different levels. |
pagurid |
any of a family of marine crustaceans that have a soft abdomen and live in empty snail shells; hermit crab. [2 definitions] |
paid |
past tense and past participle of "pay." |