Paiute |
any member of a North American Indian people of the Uto-Aztecan group living in the southwestern United States. [2 definitions] |
pajamas |
a set of loose-fitting jacket and pants worn for sleeping or lounging. [2 definitions] |
Pakistan |
an Asian coastal country between India and Iran; Islamic Republic of Pakistan. |
Pakistani |
a native or citizen of Pakistan, or a descendant thereof. [2 definitions] |
pal |
(informal) a fairly close friend. [2 definitions] |
palace |
the official residence of royalty or other head of state. [3 definitions] |
Palace Museum |
a vast, walled complex of buildings in Beijing, China, formerly the Imperial Palace (1491-1911), now open to the public; Forbidden City. |
Palace of Westminster |
the official name of the building where the British parliament meets; Houses of Parliament. |
Palacio Nacional |
in Mexico, a national palace built in 1693 by the conquistador, Hernán Cortés. [2 definitions] |
paladin |
one who fights heroically for a noble cause. |
palanquin |
in East Asian countries, a boxlike passenger carriage transported by means of poles on the shoulders of several men. |
palatable |
acceptable or pleasing to the sense of taste. [2 definitions] |
palatal |
of or relating to the palate. [3 definitions] |
palatalize |
to articulate (a nonpalatal sound) as a palatal. |
palate |
the roof of the mouth, which separates the oral cavity from the nasal cavity and consists of a bony front section and a soft muscular back section. [2 definitions] |
palatial |
of, resembling, or relating to a palace. [2 definitions] |
palatinate |
the territory or rulership of a palatine. |
palatine |
belonging or suited to a palace. [5 definitions] |
palaver |
idle conversation or discussion, esp. at length. [4 definitions] |
palazzo |
(Italian) a grand or majestic building or house; palace. |
pale |
lacking intensity of color. [5 definitions] |