pastless |
combined form of past. |
past master |
a person who has a great deal of skill, expertise, or experience at some craft, art, or the like. |
pastor |
a minister or priest in charge of a church or congregation. |
pastoral |
of or relating to the country or country life; rural. [6 definitions] |
pastorale |
a musical work for instruments or voices, concerning or suggestive of simple, pleasant country life. |
pastoralist |
one who writes in the pastoral tradition. |
pastorate |
the position, duties, or tenure of a pastor. [2 definitions] |
past participle |
a participle that either indicates a completed action or past state, such as "broken" in "I have broken my arm," or serves as an adjective, as "broken" in "a broken toy". |
past perfect |
a verb tense that indicates that an action or state was completed at some indefinite time before a moment in the past, as in "They had already gone". [2 definitions] |
pastrami |
a highly seasoned, smoked cut of beef, usu. from the shoulder. |
pastry |
a dough of flour, shortening, and water that is baked and used for pie crusts and the like. [3 definitions] |
past tense |
a form of a verb that shows that something happened in the past or that a condition existed in the past. In the sentence, "We baked a cake," "baked" is in the past tense. |
pasturage |
grass or other vegetation on which grazing animals feed. [3 definitions] |
pasture |
land or a piece of land on which animals are or can be put to graze. [5 definitions] |
pasture-raised |
of or pertaining to animals raised on land suitable for grazing and where they are free to move around. |
pasty1 |
similar to paste in texture or appearance; sticky; pale. [2 definitions] |
pasty2 |
a small pie filled with chopped, seasoned meat, fish, or vegetables. |
pat1 |
to strike or tap lightly with something flat, esp. the open palm or fingers, as to mold or shape. [5 definitions] |
pat2 |
learned or mastered exactly or in every detail. [4 definitions] |
pat. |
abbreviation of "patent" or "patented." |
pataca |
the chief monetary unit of Macao, equaling one hundred avos. |