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peccant sinful; immoral. [2 definitions]
peccary either of two piglike mammals of semitropical and tropical America that are smaller than pigs and have dark dense hair.
peccavi a confession of one's sin or guilt.
peck1 in the US, a unit of capacity equal to eight quarts or 8.81 liters. Used primarily for dry measure. [4 definitions]
peck2 to strike, nip, or pick up with the beak. [7 definitions]
pecker one that pecks. [2 definitions]
pecking order a social order or ranking among a group of animals such as chickens, wherein the strongest actively intimidates the others, the second strongest intimidates all but the strongest, and so forth. [2 definitions]
Pecksniffian feigning charity and moral purity; hypocritical in one's attitude of benevolence.
pecorino a usu. sharp, hard Italian cheese made of sheep's milk.
pectin a heavy gelatinous substance that occurs in some ripe fruits and is used in making jellies, jams, and some drugs and cosmetics.
pectoral of or relating to the chest. [5 definitions]
pectoral fin in fishes, either of a pair of fins situated on the sides behind the head, corresponding to the forelimbs in other vertebrate animals.
peculate to steal for one's own use (money or property with which one has been entrusted); embezzle.
peculiar odd, strange, or unusual. [3 definitions]
peculiarity the state or fact of being odd or strange. [3 definitions]
pecuniary of, concerning, or consisting of money; financial.
-ped foot
pedagogic of or concerning teaching or teachers. [2 definitions]
pedagogue a person who teaches, instructs, or talks in a manner that shows off his or her learnedness or that overemphasizes minor details. [2 definitions]
pedagogy the art or technique of teaching. [2 definitions]
pedal a lever operated by the foot to provide driving power or to control or adjust the action of a machine. [7 definitions]