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period a specific, limited interval or span of time. [8 definitions]
periodic recurring or reappearing at regular intervals of time. [3 definitions]
periodical a publication composed of issues that appear at regular intervals. [3 definitions]
periodicity the tendency to recur at regular intervals. [2 definitions]
periodic law the principle that the properties of the chemical elements recur periodically when the elements are arranged in increasing order of their atomic numbers.
periodic system a system of classifying the chemical elements, based on the periodic law.
periodic table a table that illustrates the periodic system of the chemical elements, classified according to atomic number.
periodization the dividing of history into chronological periods.
periodontal of or relating to the tissue, bones, and gums that surround and support the teeth.
periodontics (used with a sing. verb) the branch of dentistry concerned with diseases and treatment of the gums, bones, and tissues surrounding the teeth.
periosteum a tough, fibrous membrane that covers all bones except at the joints.
peripatetic walking or traveling around; going from place to place; itinerant. [2 definitions]
peripheral of, relating to, or forming a periphery. [3 definitions]
peripheral vision the ability to see objects and motion to either side while looking straight ahead.
periphery the outer boundary or edge of an area or surface, or the region directly inside or outside of this. [2 definitions]
periphrasis an indirect or roundabout way of phrasing something; circumlocution. [2 definitions]
periphrastic roundabout; circumlocutory. [2 definitions]
perique a strong, rich, black tobacco grown in Louisiana that is used mainly in blends.
perisarc the tough nonliving outer layer that encloses many hydrozoans.
periscope a tubular optical instrument fitted with mirrors and prisms so as to allow one to see what is not in the direct line of sight or what is obstructed from sight.
perish to die or be destroyed, esp. in an untimely or unnatural way. [2 definitions]