pharmacokinetic |
of or related to the absorption, processing, and elimination of a drug by the body, or to the field of pharmacokinetics. |
pharmacokinetics |
the study of the absorption, processing, and elimination of drugs by the body. [2 definitions] |
pharmacology |
the scientific study of the composition, use, and effects of drugs and medicines. |
pharmacopoeia |
a book that contains an authorized list of drugs and other medicines, along with information on their preparation, use, and effects. [2 definitions] |
pharmacy |
the practice, profession, or art of preparing and dispensing drugs and medicine. [3 definitions] |
pharyngeal |
of, concerning, or near the pharynx. |
pharyngitis |
inflammation of the pharynx. |
pharyngo- |
pharynx. |
pharyngology |
the study of the pharynx and the diseases associated with it. |
pharyngoscope |
an instrument that is used to examine the pharynx. |
pharynx |
the cavity and surrounding muscles and tissue located between the back of the nose and throat and the esophagus. |
phase |
a distinct or particular stage in a cycle of development or process of change. [4 definitions] |
phase-contrast microscope |
a microscope that uses the different phases of light from different parts of an observed object to produce an image with high contrast among its parts. |
phase in |
to incorporate or introduce in stages. |
phase modulation |
in radio transmission, variation of the phase of a carrier wave in accordance with the amplitude of a modulating signal such as speech. |
phase-out |
a gradual withdrawal or termination of operations, production, services, or the like. |
Ph.D. |
abbreviation of "philosophiae doctor" (Latin); Doctor of Philosophy. |
pheasant |
any of a number of fowls that have long tails and characteristically bright feathers in the male. |
phellem |
a layer of dead cells that forms in the bark of woody plants; cork. |
phellogen |
in woody plants, a tissue layer that lies just beneath the outer bark and generates the outer bark cells; cork cambium. |
phenacetin |
acetophenetidin. |