pick on |
(informal) to annoy or harass, either verbally or physically. [3 definitions] |
pick out |
to choose. [2 definitions] |
pick over |
to examine with close scrutiny, as before buying. |
pickpocket |
a person who steals from pockets or purses, usu. in crowded or public places. |
pickproof |
of a lock, designed so that it is impossible to pick. |
pickup |
the act of taking something onto or into a vehicle. [5 definitions] |
pick up |
to take up (something) using one's hand or hands. [8 definitions] |
pick up the tab |
to pay the bill, esp. at a bar or restaurant. |
pickup truck |
a small truck with a large open area for carrying things. |
picky |
fussy, meticulous, or difficult to please. |
picnic |
an informal outdoor meal, often at a park or in a natural area. [3 definitions] |
picnic table |
a rectangular table designed for outdoor eating, typically made of wood and having benches attached. |
picot |
one of a series of ornamental loops added to the edge of lace, embroidery, or the like. |
picotee |
a kind of carnation having light petals with a darker border. |
picrate |
an ester or salt of picric acid, usu. very explosive. |
picric acid |
a poisonous acid used in analytical chemistry and in making dyes and explosives. |
picro- |
bitter. |
Pict |
one of an ancient people of Great Britain who were driven into Scotland by the Britons and Romans. |
pictograph |
a pictorial sign or symbol that represents a word or idea; hieroglyph. [3 definitions] |
pictorial |
pertaining to, made of, or containing pictures. [4 definitions] |
picture |
a painting, drawing, or photograph. [8 definitions] |