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pike1 any of several large freshwater fishes with elongated, flattened snouts, that are caught for food or sport. [2 definitions]
pike2 a long pole with a sharp head, formerly used by foot soldiers as a weapon.
pike3 a road on which a toll is charged; turnpike.
pike4 any sharp point, as on an arrow.
piker (informal) a person who is exceptionally careful with money or who does things in a stingy or small way; cheapskate.
pikestaff the long shaft of a soldier's pike. [2 definitions]
pilaf a dish originating in the Middle East and consisting of rice cooked in a broth, often with vegetables, meat, seasonings, or the like.
pilaster a decorative architectural element that resembles a column, usu. complete with base and capital, and set against or into a wall.
Pilate the Roman governor of Judea who presided at the trial of Jesus Christ and authorized his crucifixion; Pontius Pilate.
pilau a variant of pilaf.
pilchard any of a number of small, oily marine fishes such as the sardine.
pilcrow a typographical symbol (¶) used to indicate the beginning of a paragraph. It is sometimes called a paragraph marker.
pile1 an accumulation of things on top of each other; heap; stack. [7 definitions]
pile2 a large shaft of steel, wood, concrete, or the like that is forced or pounded into the ground to serve as a structural and supporting element of a wall, building, or the like. [3 definitions]
pile3 the projecting loops or strands of yarn that form the surface of some fabrics, rugs, and the like. [3 definitions]
pileate in ornithology, having a crest that extends from the base of the bill to the nape. [2 definitions]
pileated woodpecker a large black and white North American woodpecker with a prominent red crest.
pile driver a machine that drives piles by repeatedly raising and dropping a heavy weight on the exposed end of the pile.
pileous having hair or fur.
piles the condition of having a hemorrhoid or hemorrhoids. [2 definitions]
pileum the top of a bird's head from the base of the bill to the nape of the neck.