pitcher1 |
a vessel, usu. with a handle and spout, used to contain and pour liquids, esp. for drinking. [2 definitions] |
pitcher2 |
someone who throws or hurls a ball, coin, spear, or other object. [2 definitions] |
pitcher plant |
any of various plants bearing slippery, pitcherlike leaves that contain enzymes to digest trapped insects. |
pitchfork |
a long, sharp, fork-shaped tool for moving hay, straw, or the like. [2 definitions] |
pitch in |
(informal) to contribute to a joint project; cooperate with others; help. [2 definitions] |
pitch into |
(informal) to attack verbally or physically. [2 definitions] |
pitchman |
a street vendor or seller of cheap wares, esp. at a carnival, with a colorful sales spiel. [2 definitions] |
pitchout |
in baseball, a ball deliberately pitched outside the plate in anticipation of an attempted steal by a base runner. [2 definitions] |
pitch pine |
any of various pine trees cultivated as a source of pitch or turpentine. |
pitch pipe |
a small musical pipe or pipes with invariable pitch, used as a tuning standard by singers and other musicians. |
pitchstone |
a glassy rock of volcanic origin having the appearance of lustrous pitch. |
pitch woo |
(old-fashioned) to try to win the affections of another, esp. the affections of a woman; court. [2 definitions] |
pitchy |
full of or smeared with pitch. [2 definitions] |
piteous |
worthy of or inspiring pity or sympathy; pitiable. |
pitfall |
an unexpected or hidden danger. [2 definitions] |
pith |
the soft central portion of certain plant stems and animal parts such as feathers. [5 definitions] |
Pithecanthropus |
(Latin) a former genus of extinct hominids; Java man. (See Homo erectus.) |
pithy |
exactly and concisely appropriate; effective; forceful. [2 definitions] |
pitiable |
worthy of or inspiring pity or sympathy; piteous. [2 definitions] |
pitiful |
worthy of or inspiring pity or sympathy; pitiable. [2 definitions] |
pitiless |
having or demonstrating no pity or mercy; ruthless. |