play second fiddle |
to serve in a secondary or subordinate capacity. |
play someone false |
to betray or deceive someone. |
play structure |
a large structure, often made of metal or wood, that is built for children to climb and play on and often found in school playgrounds or parks. |
playsuit |
a one-piece or two-piece garment suitable for active play and worn esp. by children. |
plaything |
something that is played with or regarded or treated as a toy. [2 definitions] |
playtime |
time set aside for play or recreation, esp. for children. |
play to the gallery |
to try to appeal to the broadest popular taste. |
play with fire |
to carelessly provoke danger. |
playwright |
one who writes plays. |
playwriting |
the act, art, or profession of writing plays. |
plaza |
a large open space such as a park or public square in the center of a town. [3 definitions] |
plea |
an earnest request or appeal. [3 definitions] |
plea-bargain |
to engage in bargaining that results or may result in a defendant's pleading guilty to a lesser charge rather than being tried on a more serious one. |
plea bargaining |
a pretrial negotiation in which a defendant agrees to plead guilty to a lesser charge in exchange for the state's dropping a more serious charge. |
plead |
to earnestly request or appeal. [5 definitions] |
pleadable |
combined form of plead. |
pleading |
the act of making a plea. [3 definitions] |
pleasant |
pleasing; agreeable. [2 definitions] |
pleasantry |
a casual remark intended to compliment or otherwise please another, esp. in a social situation of no great importance. |
please |
to satisfy or give pleasure to; make happy. [5 definitions] |
pleased |
made satisfied or happy. |