polyurethane |
any of various synthetic resins that can become flexible or set when heated and that are used for coatings, padding, insulation, and adhesives. |
polyvalent |
having more than one chemical valence. [2 definitions] |
polyvinyl chloride |
a white thermoplastic resin, widely used in rainwear, pipes, floor tiles, and garden hoses; PVC. |
polyvinyl resin |
any of several thermoplastic resins formed by polymerizing or copolymerizing a vinyl compound, and used for adhesives, sizings, and coatings; vinyl resin or vinyl plastic. |
pomace |
the pulp or crushed refuse left after juice or oil has been extracted from fruits, seeds, nuts, or the like. |
pomaceous |
of, pertaining to, or characteristic of pomes. |
pomade |
a scented ointment used to keep the hair in place. [2 definitions] |
pome |
a fruit, such as the apple or pear, having an edible inner seed-bearing flesh derived from the carpels of the flower and an outer fleshy shell derived from the floral cup. |
pomegranate |
a reddish fruit with a tough rind, many seeds, and a juicy, edible, mildly acidic pulp. [2 definitions] |
Pomeranian |
any of a breed of small sturdy dog that has long straight hair and a tail that curves over the back. |
pomiferous |
bearing pome fruits. |
pommel |
the knob on a sword hilt. [3 definitions] |
pommel horse |
a padded, fairly cylindrical block on legs, with two removable U-shaped handles on top, used for men's gymnastic feats and routines. |
pomology |
the scientific study of fruits and their cultivation. |
pomp |
ceremonial or magnificent display; splendor. [2 definitions] |
pompadour |
a hair style in which the hair is rolled upward from the forehead and held high, sometimes with artificial support. |
pompano |
any of several food fishes found in the south Atlantic and in the Pacific coast of California. |
Pompeii |
an ancient city of southwestern Italy that was buried in 79 A.D. by an eruption of Mount Vesuvius. |
pompom2 |
soft material such as threads, feathers, or strips of paper bound at the center or at one end to form a ball or tuft used as a decoration. |
pompom1 |
a rapid-fire automatic cannon, often mounted on ships as an anti-aircraft weapon. |
pompom girl |
a female cheerleader whose routines often include the use of large colorful clusters of streamers that resemble pompoms. |