postriot |
combined form of riot. |
post road |
a road, route, or way on which mail is conveyed. [2 definitions] |
postromantic |
combined form of romantic. |
postscript |
a note or message added at the end of a book or document, esp. at the end of a letter following the signature. |
postseason |
combined form of season. |
postsecondary |
combined form of secondary. |
postshow |
combined form of show. |
poststimulation |
combined form of stimulation. |
poststimulatory |
combined form of stimulatory. |
poststimulus |
combined form of stimulus. |
poststrike |
combined form of strike. |
postsurgical |
combined form of surgical. |
posttax |
combined form of tax. |
postteen |
combined form of teen. |
post time |
the time at which a horse race is scheduled to start. [2 definitions] |
posttraumatic |
combined form of traumatic. |
posttreatment |
combined form of treatment. |
posttrial |
combined form of trial. |
postulant |
someone who applies or petitions for something; applicant. [2 definitions] |
postulate |
to assert as something true, esp. as a basis for reasoning. [7 definitions] |
postulator |
one who postulates an idea, theory, or the like. [2 definitions] |