prandial |
of or in connection with a meal. |
prank |
a playful or mischievous trick; stunt. |
prankish |
given to playing pranks; mischievous. [2 definitions] |
prankster |
one who likes to play pranks on others. |
prao |
variant of proa. |
praseodymium |
a rare-earth metallic chemical element that has fifty-nine protons in each nucleus and that is usu. found together with neodymium. (symbol: Pr) |
prate |
to talk excessively and meaninglessly; prattle. [3 definitions] |
pratfall |
a fall in which one lands on the buttocks, often done intentionally for humorous effect. |
pratique |
permission granted to a ship to enter a port following the ship's quarantine. |
prattle |
to talk in a foolish and childish way; chatter meaninglessly. [3 definitions] |
prawn |
any of a variety of edible crustaceans that resemble and are related to shrimp. [2 definitions] |
praxis |
practical application or exercise of knowledge, as opposed to theory. [2 definitions] |
pray |
to petition or invoke (one's god or other holy being). [4 definitions] |
prayer1 |
a request made to a divine being. [7 definitions] |
prayer2 |
one who prays. |
prayer book |
a book that contains formal prayers for use in public religious services or private devotions. [2 definitions] |
prayerful |
characterized by reverence, devotion, or prayer. |
praying mantis |
a mantis. |
pre- |
before; prior to. [2 definitions] |
preach |
to present or deliver (religious or moral instruction or the like) in a sermon. [4 definitions] |
preacher |
one who preaches, esp. a minister or clergyman. |