prayer book |
a book that contains formal prayers for use in public religious services or private devotions. [2 definitions] |
prayerful |
characterized by reverence, devotion, or prayer. |
praying mantis |
a mantis. |
pre- |
before; prior to. [2 definitions] |
preach |
to present or deliver (religious or moral instruction or the like) in a sermon. [4 definitions] |
preacher |
one who preaches, esp. a minister or clergyman. |
preachify |
(informal) to preach or moralize in a tedious or unwelcome way. |
preachment |
a tedious or unwelcome sermon, moral lecture, or the like. |
preachy |
(informal) tending to preach or to moralize, esp. in a tiresome or presumptuous way; didactic. |
preadmission |
combined form of admission. |
preadult |
combined form of adult. |
preagricultural |
combined form of agricultural. |
preamble |
an introduction to a speech or document, esp. one that explains the purpose of the text to follow. [3 definitions] |
preamplifier |
a circuit or other device, as in a radio, that electronically identifies and amplifies weak signals before directing them to other amplifiers. |
preanesthetic |
combined form of anesthetic. |
preannounce |
combined form of announce. |
preapprove |
combined form of approve. |
prearrange |
to arrange beforehand or in advance. |
prearrangement |
combined form of arrangement. |
preassembled |
combined form of assembled. |
preassign |
combined form of assign. |