precoital |
combined form of coital. |
precollege |
combined form of college. |
precollegiate |
combined form of collegiate. |
precolonial |
combined form of colonial. |
pre-Columbian |
of, or occurring or existing in, the Americas before the arrival of Columbus. |
precombustion |
combined form of combustion. |
precompute |
combined form of compute. |
precomputer |
combined form of computer. |
preconceive |
to have an idea or opinion about before having substantial knowledge of. |
preconception |
an opinion or mental image formed without substantial knowledge. |
preconcert |
to arrange or agree on beforehand; settle in advance. |
preconciliar |
combined form of conciliar. |
precondition |
to train, prepare, or familiarize ahead of time. [2 definitions] |
preconquest |
combined form of conquest. |
preconscious |
of a thought, not in the conscious mind, but capable of being recalled. [3 definitions] |
preconsonantal |
combined form of consonantal. |
preconstructed |
combined form of constructed. |
preconvention |
combined form of convention. |
preconviction |
combined form of conviction. |
precook |
to cook ahead of time, or to cook partially in advance of further cooking. |
precool |
combined form of cool. |