predetermine |
to form or set (a decision, course of action, or the like) ahead of time. [3 definitions] |
predevelopment |
combined form of development. |
predicable |
that may be declared or asserted according to conventions of logic or sentence structure; able to be predicated. [2 definitions] |
predicament |
a difficult or dangerous situation with no obvious or completely satisfactory solution. |
predicate |
to declare or assert, often as a belief. [7 definitions] |
predict |
to see or proclaim in advance (a future unplanned event); prophesy; foretell. [3 definitions] |
predictable |
able to be predicted or anticipated. [2 definitions] |
prediction |
the act of foretelling or the attempt at foretelling. [2 definitions] |
predictive |
of or relating to predictions. [2 definitions] |
predigest |
to subject (food) to artificial, partial digestion before eating. |
predilection |
an inclination to favor something; partiality or preference. |
predinner |
combined form of dinner. |
prediscovery |
combined form of discovery. |
predispose |
to prepare (someone) beforehand to be inclined toward a certain attitude or action. [2 definitions] |
predisposition |
the condition of being predisposed; tendency. |
prednisone |
a derivative of cortisone commonly used to treat arthritis. |
predominant |
being the chief or greatest in importance, status, influence, or the like. [2 definitions] |
predominantly |
mainly; chiefly; for the most part. |
predominate |
to be the greater or greatest in importance, prominence, or amount. [3 definitions] |
predynastic |
combined form of dynastic. |
preelection |
combined form of election. |