prefinance |
combined form of finance. |
prefire |
combined form of fire. |
prefix |
an affix added to the beginning of a word to alter its meaning and create a new word, such as "anti-" in "antiestablishment." [3 definitions] |
preflame |
combined form of flame. |
preflight |
prior or preparatory to an airplane flight. |
preformat |
combined form of format. |
preformulate |
combined form of formulate. |
prefreshman |
combined form of freshman. |
prefrontal |
of, relating to, or located near the forward part of a frontal lobe or structure of the brain or head. |
prefrozen |
combined form of frozen. |
pregame |
combined form of game. |
pregenital |
combined form of genital. |
pregnable |
vulnerable to attack or conquest. |
pregnancy |
the state, or an instance, of being pregnant. |
pregnant |
of a woman or other female mammal, bearing one or more developing fetuses in the womb (sometimes fol. by "with"). [4 definitions] |
preharvest |
combined form of harvest. |
preheat |
to heat before using or processing. |
prehensile |
adapted for seizing or grasping. |
prehiring |
combined form of hiring. |
prehistoric |
of, pertaining to, or existing in a time prior to written history. |
preholiday |
combined form of holiday. |