prejudiced |
holding or being influenced by preconceived opinions, as opposed to opinions based on an objective examination of the facts. [2 definitions] |
prejudicial |
causing prejudice; putting at a disadvantage; injurious; detrimental. |
pre-K |
shortened form of "prekindergarten," schooling for very young children that prepares them for kindergarten. |
prekindergarten |
schooling for very young children that prepares them for kindergarten. Kindergarten in the U.S. is the first year of public elementary school, which children usually begin at age five. |
prelacy |
the office, position, or rank of a prelate. [2 definitions] |
prelate |
a church official of high rank, such as a bishop. |
prelife |
combined form of life. |
prelim |
(informal) a short academic test that comes before, and often prepares one for, a longer, more significant test; preliminary examination. [2 definitions] |
preliminary |
coming before, esp. in preparation for, something else. [3 definitions] |
preliterary |
combined form of literary. |
preliterate |
of a society or culture, lacking a written language. |
prelogical |
combined form of logical. |
prelude |
an introductory event or act; preface; preliminary. [6 definitions] |
prelunch |
combined form of lunch. |
preluncheon |
combined form of luncheon. |
premade |
combined form of made. |
premanufacture |
combined form of manufacture. |
premarital |
before marriage. |
premaritally |
combined form of maritally. |
premarket |
combined form of market. |
premarketing |
combined form of marketing. |