premade |
combined form of made. |
premanufacture |
combined form of manufacture. |
premarital |
before marriage. |
premaritally |
combined form of maritally. |
premarket |
combined form of market. |
premarketing |
combined form of marketing. |
premarriage |
combined form of marriage. |
premature |
done, occurring, or born before the required or expected time; too soon. |
premeasure |
combined form of measure. |
premed |
(informal) a program or course of premedical study or training. [3 definitions] |
premedical |
of or pertaining to a course of study preparatory to medical training. |
premedieval |
combined form of medieval. |
premeditate |
to consider, plan, or arrange in advance. |
premeditation |
the act of planning, arranging, or thinking about in advance. [2 definitions] |
premenstrual |
of, relating to, or occurring during the time immediately preceding the onset of menstruation. |
premenstrual syndrome |
a complex of symptoms that may occur before the onset of menstrual flow, including depression, irritability, fluid retention, and breast soreness. |
premerger |
combined form of merger. |
premier |
see "prime minister." [3 definitions] |
premiere |
a first public performance or showing, as of a film or stage production. [5 definitions] |
premigration |
combined form of migration. |
premise |
a proposition that forms the basis for an argument or a conclusion. [5 definitions] |