premonition |
an advance sign or warning; forewarning. [2 definitions] |
premoral |
combined form of moral. |
premycotic |
combined form of mycotic. |
prenatal |
prior to being born or giving birth. |
prenoon |
combined form of noon. |
prenotification |
combined form of notification. |
prenotify |
combined form of notify. |
prenumber |
combined form of number. |
prenuptial |
before a wedding ceremony or marriage. [2 definitions] |
preoccupation |
the state of being completely engrossed or absorbed in thought. [2 definitions] |
preoccupied |
entirely engrossed in thought. [2 definitions] |
preoccupy |
to absorb the entire time or attention of. [2 definitions] |
preopening |
combined form of opening. |
preoperational |
combined form of operational. |
preordain |
to determine or decree beforehand; foreordain. |
preorder |
combined form of order. |
prep |
(informal) of or relating to a preparatory school. [4 definitions] |
prep.1 |
abbreviation of "preposition." |
prep.2 |
abbreviation of "preparation." |
prepackage |
to wrap or pack (goods) in advance before distribution for retail sale. |
prepaid |
past tense and past participle of prepay. |