pretape |
combined form of tape. |
pretax |
combined form of tax. |
pretechnological |
combined form of technological. |
preteen |
of, pertaining to, or intended for children of about ten to twelve years old; preadolescent. [2 definitions] |
pretelevision |
combined form of television. |
pretend |
to claim or represent falsely or insincerely in order to deceive. [7 definitions] |
pretended |
falsely claimed; fictitious; feigned. [2 definitions] |
pretender |
one who misrepresents, acts falsely, or otherwise pretends. [2 definitions] |
pretense |
an act or instance of pretending; sham or fiction. [4 definitions] |
pretension |
a false or insincere show or claim; pretense. [3 definitions] |
pretensionless |
combined form of pretension. |
pretentious |
assuming or marked by an air of importance or superiority that is unwarranted. [2 definitions] |
preterit |
in grammar, past. |
preterition |
the act of passing over or omitting, as the omission of an heir or heirs from a will. [2 definitions] |
pretermination |
combined form of termination. |
pretermit |
to overlook or neglect. |
preternatural |
out of or beyond the natural; extraordinary or unnatural. [2 definitions] |
pretest |
a preliminary test or trial of a product, questionnaire, or the like. [4 definitions] |
pretext |
a false reason or claim put forward to mask one's true motive or aim. |
pretheater |
combined form of theater. |
Pretoria |
the administrative capital of South Africa. (Cf. Bloemfontein, Cape Town.) |