prevail |
to emerge as dominant (often fol. by "over"). [5 definitions] |
prevailing |
having widespread and dominant influence. [2 definitions] |
prevalent |
generally accepted; pervasive; widespread. |
prevaricate |
to lie, mislead, or conceal the truth deliberately. |
prevent |
to keep or stop from occurring or from doing something. [3 definitions] |
preventable |
having the possibility of being prevented; capable of being stopped or kept from happening. |
preventative |
designed to serve as a hindrance or method of prevention. [2 definitions] |
prevention |
the act or process of preventing. [2 definitions] |
preventive |
designed to serve as a hindrance or method of prevention. [4 definitions] |
preview |
an advance presentation or opening, as of a film, play, or exhibit, for a selected audience before viewing by the public. [4 definitions] |
previous |
occurring just before another. [2 definitions] |
previously |
just before another. [2 definitions] |
previous question |
in parliamentary procedure, a motion to take an immediate vote on the topic under consideration, used esp. as a way of stopping debate. |
prevision |
an ability to foresee; prescience. [2 definitions] |
prevue |
variant of preview. |
prewar |
existing, prevailing, or happening before a specific war. |
prewarn |
combined form of warn. |
prewash |
combined form of wash. |
preweaning |
combined form of weaning. |
prework |
combined form of work. |
prewrap |
combined form of wrap. |