Prince Edward Island |
a Canadian Maritime Province on an island east of New Brunswick. |
princeling |
a minor or subordinate prince. |
princely |
of, pertaining to, or belonging to a prince. [2 definitions] |
Prince of Darkness |
Satan. |
Prince of Peace |
Jesus Christ; the Messiah. |
Prince of Wales |
a title held by the heir apparent to the British throne. |
princess |
a female closely related to a monarch, esp. a daughter. [4 definitions] |
principal |
first in status, value, or importance; chief; main. [4 definitions] |
principality |
the area ruled by a prince. [2 definitions] |
principally |
for the most part; chiefly. |
principal parts |
in grammar, the main inflected forms of a verb, such as "freeze, froze, frozen," from which other inflected forms are derived. |
principal's office |
the administrative office of the head of a school, sometimes seen particularly as the place where disciplinary action is carried out or where decisions with regard to discipline are made and announced. |
principium |
a principle. |
principle |
a law, doctrine, or assumption on which action or behavior is based. [4 definitions] |
principled |
motivated by or having principles. |
prink |
to dress up or adorn for show. [2 definitions] |
print |
to reproduce (text or pictures) by transferring ink to a surface by means of mechanical pressure. [13 definitions] |
printable |
able to be printed. [2 definitions] |
printed circuit |
an electric circuit in which the interconnections are formed not by wires but by lines or strips of a conductive material printed, etched, or otherwise deposited on an insulating sheet. |
printer |
a person who prints, esp. as a trade. [2 definitions] |
printer's devil |
an apprentice or errand boy in a print shop. |