propeller |
any of several devices used to propel an airplane, ship, or the like, usu. consisting of tilted blades radiating from a hub that revolves. |
propensity |
a natural or inborn tendency, aptitude, or preference (often fol. by an infinitive or "for"). |
proper |
suitable to the purpose or circumstances; appropriate. [5 definitions] |
proper fraction |
a fraction in which the numerator is smaller or lower in degree than the denominator. |
properly |
in an appropriate way. [5 definitions] |
proper name |
see "proper noun." |
proper noun |
a noun that is the name of a person, such as "Lincoln," or a thing, such as "Atlantic" or "IBM." Titles, such as "Mr.," are also considered proper nouns. Proper nouns are usually capitalized. (Cf. common noun.) |
propertied |
owning property. |
property |
the sum total of items owned, or a part of that sum; possessions collectively. [5 definitions] |
propertyless |
combined form of property. |
prophecy |
a prediction or admonition, esp. when uttered by one considered to be a divine agent or prophet. [3 definitions] |
prophesy |
to foretell or reveal, esp. under divine inspiration. [5 definitions] |
prophet |
one who predicts the future, esp. one considered to be speaking under divine inspiration and revealing divine will. [5 definitions] |
prophetess |
a female prophet. |
prophetic |
of, pertaining to, or serving as a prophet or a prophecy. [2 definitions] |
prophylactic |
protective or preventive, esp. against disease. [3 definitions] |
prophylaxis |
the prevention of or protection against disease, as by medical treatment. |
propinquity |
nearness in location or time; proximity. [3 definitions] |
propionate |
a salt or ester of propionic acid. |
propionic acid |
a colorless oily liquid used to inhibit bread mold and to make perfumes and artificial flavorings. |
propitiate |
to overcome the disfavor or distrust of; conciliate; appease. |