protractile |
capable of being protracted, extended, or protruded. |
protractor |
a semicircular instrument with graduated markings, used in mathematics, surveying, and the like to construct and measure angles. [2 definitions] |
protrude |
to push or extend outward; project. [2 definitions] |
protrusile |
capable of being protruded or thrust out, as a hummingbird's tongue or an elephant's trunk. |
protrusion |
the act of protruding or the state of being protruded. [2 definitions] |
protrusive |
protruding or tending to protrude. |
protuberance |
that which projects; bulge or bump. [2 definitions] |
protuberant |
bulging outward. |
proud |
feeling pleased or satisfied with oneself because of an accomplishment, attribute, or possession. [6 definitions] |
proud flesh |
see "granulation tissue." |
proudly |
with a feeling or display of pride. |
prove |
to show (something) to be true, valid, or genuine. [5 definitions] |
proven |
a past participle of "prove." |
provenance |
the source of something; place of origin. |
provender |
dry food that is used as feed for domestic animals or livestock. [2 definitions] |
provenience |
the origin of something; provenance. |
proverb |
a short saying in popular use that expresses a common truth or wisdom. [2 definitions] |
proverbial |
of, in, or like a proverb. [2 definitions] |
Proverbs |
a book of the Old Testament containing maxims ascribed to Solomon and other sages. |
provide |
to supply (necessary things); furnish. [7 definitions] |
provided |
on the condition; only if. |