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provincialism narrow-mindedness, lack of sophistication, or the like, associated with or considered the result of remoteness from urban centers of culture and intellectual activity. [2 definitions]
proving ground a place, basis, or occasion for testing a theory, device, or the like.
provision the act of providing. [6 definitions]
provisional adopted on a temporary or tentative basis until something permanent is established; conditional.
proviso a clause that stipulates a condition or restriction in a document, such as a legal agreement or contract. [2 definitions]
provisory provisional; conditional.
provocation the act of provoking. [2 definitions]
provocative likely or serving to provoke; stimulating or arousing.
provoke to incite (a person) to anger, annoyance, deep emotion, or action. [3 definitions]
provolone a hard, pale, mild Italian cheese, usu. smoked and pear-shaped.
provost an official of high rank charged with managing and overseeing. [3 definitions]
provost court a military court in occupied territory for the trial of civilians or military personnel accused of minor infractions.
provost guard a police detail of soldiers under the command of a provost marshal.
provost marshal an army officer in charge of police functions. [2 definitions]
prow the pointed forward section of a ship or boat; bow.
prowess great skill or talent; superior ability. [2 definitions]
prowl to move about slowly and stealthily, as an animal stalks prey. [3 definitions]
prowler a person who goes about furtively, esp. if intending to commit a crime such as burglary. [2 definitions]
proxemics (used with a sing. verb) the study of how space is used and structured in work, personal relationships, and the like.
proximal located near the center of the body or toward the point of origin or attachment, as a bone. (Cf. distal.)
proximate very close or near in location or time. [3 definitions]