rag2 |
(informal) to tease or scold. |
rag3 |
a composition of ragtime music. |
raga |
any of numerous traditional Hindu melodic patterns, each with specific progressions and rhythms, upon which the musician improvises. |
ragamuffin |
a dirty child clothed in rags and tatters. |
ragbag |
a bag for collecting or storing rags. [2 definitions] |
rag doll |
a soft, stuffed doll made out of cloth, sometimes homemade and hand-painted. |
rage |
intense anger; fury. [8 definitions] |
ragged |
worn down into rags; torn and tattered. [5 definitions] |
ragged edge |
the extreme edge, as of a cliff; brink. |
raggedy |
ragged; torn; shaggy. |
raggle-taggle |
oddly heterogeneous or mixed; motley. |
ragi |
a cereal grass of Africa and Asia, cultivated for its edible grain. |
raglan |
of or denoting a type of sleeve that is continuous from the armhole to the collar, with no shoulder seams. [2 definitions] |
ragman |
a man who buys and sells rags and other miscellaneous items and scraps. |
ragout |
a strongly seasoned stew of French origin. [2 definitions] |
ragpicker |
a person who salvages and sells rags and other waste materials. |
rag rug |
a rug made from woven or sewn strips of rags. |
rags-to-riches |
used to describe a story in which someone starts out in life very poor and later becomes rich. |
ragtag |
shaggy, unkempt, or decrepit; in poor condition; ramshackle. |
ragtime |
a late nineteenth and early twentieth-century American musical form, having a syncopated melody and an accompaniment in two-four time, usu. written for the piano. |
ragweed |
a weed of the daisy family that produces abundant airborne pollen in the fall. |