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rapacious extremely greedy or ravenous; voracious. [2 definitions]
rape1 the crime of forcing an unwilling or legally incompetent person to participate in sexual intercourse. [5 definitions]
rape2 a plant of the cabbage or mustard family that produces bright yellow flowers and is cultivated primarily for its oil-rich seeds; rapeseed.
rapeseed a plant of the cabbage or mustard family that produces bright yellow flowers and is cultivated primarily for its oil-rich seeds; rape. [2 definitions]
Raphael an Italian painter (1483-1520). [2 definitions]
raphe a seamlike ridge between two halves of a bilaterally symmetrical organ or structure such as the scrotum, the coats of certain seeds, or the valves of certain diatom shells.
rapid happening in a brief time. [4 definitions]
rapid eye movement the rapid back-and-forth and up-and-down movements of the eyes during the phases of sleep when dreaming occurs. (abbrev.:REM)
rapid-fire of guns, designed to fire shots in rapid succession. [2 definitions]
rapidity a state or quality characterized by quickness.
rapidly quickly; at a fast pace or in a short time.
rapids a fast-moving part of a river or stream that flows over rocks and can be difficult or dangerous to navigate through (used with either a singular or plural verb).
rapid transit a system of metropolitan public transportation, such as a subway, that uses elevated and underground electric trains moving quickly and unimpeded through the city.
rapier a narrow-bladed, sharp-pointed sword used in the eighteenth century for thrusting. [2 definitions]
rapine the taking of property by force; robbery; plunder.
rappel the act of descending a sheer cliff or mountainside by means of a double rope around the body that allows the climber to control the rate of descent. [2 definitions]
rappen the centime of Switzerland.
rapper a door knocker. [3 definitions]
rapport a sympathetic or agreeable relationship; mutual affinity.
rapprochement the renewal or establishment of a friendly relationship, esp. between nations; state of reconciliation.
rapscallion a mischievous person; rascal.