rasp |
to rub with a rough surface or instrument such as a coarse file; scrape; abrade. [8 definitions] |
raspberry |
any of a group of often prickly plants of the rose family. [4 definitions] |
raspy |
rough and grating; harsh. |
Rastafarian |
a member of a black Jamaican religious cult that regards the late emperor Haile Selassie as a messiah and Africa as the Promised Land to which all blacks will ultimately return. [2 definitions] |
rat |
any of several long-tailed rodents that resemble but are larger than mice. [4 definitions] |
ratable |
capable of being rated, appraised, or assessed. [2 definitions] |
ratafia |
a sweet cordial or liqueur flavored with almonds, fruit kernels, or fruit. [2 definitions] |
rat-a-tat |
a series of short, sharp sounds, as from knocking or machine-gun fire. |
ratatouille |
a vegetable stew made with eggplant, zucchini, tomatoes, green peppers, onions, and garlic, and served hot or cold. |
ratbite fever |
either of two infectious diseases transmitted by the bites of rats or other animals, one characterized by inflammation, back and joint pains, headache, and vomiting, and the other by a purplish rash, recurrent fever, and ulceration near the bite. |
ratchet |
a toothed bar or wheel made to be engaged by a pawl so that motion is permitted in only one direction. |
rate1 |
a quantity calculated with regard to another measured quantity. [12 definitions] |
rate2 |
to scold or berate (someone). |
ratel |
a badgerlike carnivore of Africa and India; honey badger. |
rate of exchange |
see "exchange rate." |
ratepayer |
someone who pays a usu. regular charge for the use of a utility such as electricity. |
-rater |
someone or something that has (such) a rating. |
rather |
more willingly; sooner. [4 definitions] |
rathskeller |
a German-style restaurant or bar located below street level. |
ratification |
the act of ratifying; formal approval or sanction, esp. by a legislature. [2 definitions] |
ratify |
to validate, confirm, or establish (something) by giving formal approval or consent. |