rBGH |
abbreviation of recombinant bovine growth hormone, a genetically engineered hormone injected into dairy cows to increase their milk production. |
abbreviation of "run batted in" or "runs batted in." |
RC |
abbreviation of "Roman Catholic." |
RD |
abbreviation of "rural delivery," delivery of mail along rural routes, usu. to a roadside mailbox rather than to the door. |
Rd. |
abbreviation of "Road," a long, narrow course, with a smooth and often paved surface, made for the passage of vehicles and people (used as a part of a proper name). |
abbreviation of "recommended daily allowance." |
Re |
symbol of the chemical element rhenium. |
re1 |
in music, the syllable that denotes the second tone of a diatonic scale. (See sol-fa.) [2 definitions] |
re2 |
having to do with; in reference to; concerning. |
re- |
anew; again. [3 definitions] |
reabsorption |
the process of the body reabsorbing a substance, such as sugar that has been filtered out of blood by the kidneys. |
reaccelerate |
combined form of accelerate. |
reaccept |
combined form of accept. |
reaccession |
combined form of accession. |
reacclimatize |
combined form of acclimatize. |
reaccredit |
combined form of accredit. |
reaccreditation |
combined form of accreditation. |
reach |
to extend or expand as far as. [13 definitions] |
reachable |
combined form of reach. |
reach out |
to stretch out one's arm in order to touch or take hold of something. [4 definitions] |
reacquaint |
combined form of acquaint. |