reconsecrate |
combined form of consecrate. |
reconsider |
to have a change of attitude and reverse (a decision or choice). [4 definitions] |
reconsolidate |
combined form of consolidate. |
reconstitute |
to put together or constitute again. [2 definitions] |
reconstruct |
to make over or construct again. [2 definitions] |
reconstructed |
made over again. |
reconstruction |
the act or result of reconstructing. [2 definitions] |
Reconstructionism |
a twentieth-century U.S. Jewish movement that stresses the cultural continuity of Judaism as a religion, and that encourages adaptation of religious observances to contemporary needs. |
recontact |
combined form of contact. |
recontaminate |
combined form of contaminate. |
recontamination |
combined form of contamination. |
recontour |
combined form of contour. |
reconvene |
combined form of convene. |
reconversion |
combined form of conversion. |
reconvert |
to change back to a previously held but abandoned belief, status, or character. |
reconvict |
combined form of convict. |
reconviction |
combined form of conviction. |
reconvince |
combined form of convince. |
recopy |
combined form of copy. |
record |
to put in writing or some other form as evidence. [15 definitions] |
recordable |
combined form of record. |