reemphasis |
combined form of emphasis. |
reemphasize |
combined form of emphasize. |
reemploy |
combined form of employ. |
reemployment |
combined form of employment. |
reencounter |
combined form of encounter. |
reendow |
combined form of endow. |
reenergize |
combined form of energize. |
reengagement |
combined form of engagement. |
reengineer |
combined form of engineer. |
reengrave |
combined form of engrave. |
reenlist |
combined form of enlist. |
reenlistment |
combined form of enlistment. |
reenroll |
combined form of enroll. |
reenter |
to enter again. |
reenthrone |
combined form of enthrone. |
reentry |
an act of entering again. [3 definitions] |
reequip |
combined form of equip. |
reequipment |
combined form of equipment. |
reerect |
combined form of erect. |
reescalate |
combined form of escalate. |
reescalation |
combined form of escalation. |