reengrave |
combined form of engrave. |
reenlist |
combined form of enlist. |
reenlistment |
combined form of enlistment. |
reenroll |
combined form of enroll. |
reenter |
to enter again. |
reenthrone |
combined form of enthrone. |
reentry |
an act of entering again. [3 definitions] |
reequip |
combined form of equip. |
reequipment |
combined form of equipment. |
reerect |
combined form of erect. |
reescalate |
combined form of escalate. |
reescalation |
combined form of escalation. |
reestablish |
combined form of establish. |
reestablishment |
combined form of establishment. |
reestimate |
combined form of estimate. |
reevaluate |
to carefully reconsider the value, worth, or efficacy of; reassess. |
reevaluation |
combined form of evaluation. |
reeve1 |
in certain Canadian provinces, the elected head of a town council. [3 definitions] |
reeve2 |
to pass (a line or rod) through a hole, ring, or block, or to fasten by so doing. |
reeve3 |
the female ruff or sandpiper. |
reexamination |
combined form of examination. |