refrangible |
capable of being refracted or bent. |
refreeze |
combined form of freeze. |
refresh |
to revive the energy or spirits of (a person), as with food, rest or a bath. [5 definitions] |
refresher course |
a course serving as a review of material previously studied, esp. to bring knowledge or professional skills up to date. |
refreshing |
relieving or capable of relieving such things as tiredness, thirst, or the feeling of being overheated. [2 definitions] |
refreshment |
(often pl.) something that refreshes or that is taken to refresh oneself, esp. food and drink. [2 definitions] |
refried beans |
a Mexican dish consisting of dried pinto beans that have been cooked, seasoned, mashed, and fried. |
refrigerant |
freezing, cooling, or refrigerating. [2 definitions] |
refrigerate |
to make cold or cool, esp. to preserve. |
refrigeration |
the act of refrigerating or state of being refrigerated. |
refrigerator |
a room, cabinet, or appliance where food or other substances are preserved in a cold environment. |
refuge |
shelter, protection, or comfort. [3 definitions] |
refugee |
a person forced to leave his or her home or native land to seek safe refuge, usu. as a result of war, persecution, or the like. |
refulgent |
shining brilliantly; radiant. |
refund1 |
to return or restore (money). [3 definitions] |
refund2 |
to fund afresh. [2 definitions] |
refurbish |
to make clean, fresh, and attractive again, as by renovating, refurnishing, or repainting (a home, office, or the like). |
refurnish |
combined form of furnish. |
refusal |
the act or an instance of refusing. [2 definitions] |
refuse1 |
to decline to accept or give. [3 definitions] |
refuse2 |
material considered to be waste or otherwise worthless; garbage; rubbish. [2 definitions] |