regularly |
at fixed intervals of time. [2 definitions] |
regulate |
to control or direct by means of a rule or method. [3 definitions] |
regulation |
a principle, rule, or law designed to regulate behavior or conduct. [3 definitions] |
regulator |
a person or thing that regulates. [2 definitions] |
regulatory |
pertaining to or having the purpose of making or enforcing regulations. |
Regulus |
a blue-white binary star in the constellation Leo, having a combined magnitude of 1.3. |
regurgitate |
to surge or pour back or out, esp. from of a place of containment, as gases, liquids, or undigested food. [3 definitions] |
regurgitation |
the bringing up of partly digested food from the stomach. |
rehab |
(informal) rehabilitation. [2 definitions] |
rehabilitate |
to restore to good health or to an otherwise improved state of being. [2 definitions] |
rehabilitation |
the act or rehabilitating or the condition of having been rehabilitated. |
rehang |
combined form of hang. |
rehash |
to rework or present as new (old arguments, previous creations, or the like) without producing anything new. [2 definitions] |
rehear |
to hear or consider (a court case) again. |
rehearsal |
the act, process, or occasion of practicing for a public presentation or performance, as of a play, concert, or the like. [2 definitions] |
rehearse |
to practice (a speech, play, musical composition, or the like) in order to make perfect for presentation. [4 definitions] |
reheat |
to heat or make warm again. |
rehinge |
combined form of hinge. |
rehire |
combined form of hire. |
rehospitalization |
combined form of hospitalization. |
rehospitalize |
combined form of hospitalize. |