reimmerse |
combined form of immerse. |
reimplant |
combined form of implant. |
reimplantation |
combined form of implantation. |
reimport |
combined form of import. |
reimportation |
combined form of importation. |
reimpose |
combined form of impose. |
reimposition |
combined form of imposition. |
rein |
(usu. pl.) a set of leather straps attached to both ends of a bridle bit by which a driver or rider can control an animal such as a horse. [5 definitions] |
reincarnate |
to give another body or existence to; cause to undergo reincarnation. |
reincarnation |
the doctrine or religious belief that human souls survive physical death and return in new bodies. [2 definitions] |
reincorporate |
combined form of incorporate. |
reincorporation |
combined form of incorporation. |
reindeer |
any of several related large deer found in the colder regions of Scandinavia, Russia, Greenland, and Canada, both sexes of which have branching antlers. In North America, reindeer are called caribou. |
reindeer moss |
a grayish lichen of arctic regions that is eaten by grazing animals. |
reindict |
combined form of indict. |
reindictment |
combined form of indictment. |
reinfestation |
combined form of infestation. |
reinflate |
combined form of inflate. |
reinflation |
combined form of inflation. |
reinforce |
to fortify or make more effective; strengthen. [3 definitions] |
reinforceable |
combined form of reinforce. |