rejudge |
combined form of judge. |
rejuggle |
combined form of juggle. |
rejuvenate |
to restore the vigor, health, or appearance of youth to. |
rekindle |
to start the burning of (something) again. [2 definitions] |
reknit |
combined form of knit. |
relabel |
combined form of label. |
relacquer |
combined form of lacquer. |
relandscape |
combined form of landscape. |
relapse |
to revert, esp. to a former negative condition, habit, or mode of conduct. [4 definitions] |
relate |
to see or establish a connection or association with (fol. by "to" or "with"). [6 definitions] |
related |
associated; connected. [2 definitions] |
relation |
an association or connection between or among things. [6 definitions] |
relational |
of, pertaining to, or expressing a relation or relations. |
relations |
the ways that people, groups, or nations communicate or act with each other. |
relationship |
the condition or fact of being associated or connected. [2 definitions] |
relative |
a person who is related to others through blood or marriage. [6 definitions] |
relative clause |
in grammar, a dependent clause that modifies the word or word group that precedes it, such as "who lives in that house" in "I know the man who lives in that house." |
relative humidity |
the amount of moisture present in the air compared to the maximum amount the air could hold at the same temperature. |
relatively |
in comparison to something else. |
relative pronoun |
in grammar, a pronoun that introduces a relative clause. |
relativism |
the philosophical theory that all bases of judgment are relative to time, place, or situation. |