remember |
to call to mind from memory; recall. [7 definitions] |
rememberable |
combined form of remember. |
remembrance |
the act or process of remembering. [5 definitions] |
Remembrance Day |
in Canada, November 11, a legal holiday honoring the war dead, particularly soldiers killed in World Wars I and II. [2 definitions] |
remembrancer |
something or someone that causes one to remember; reminder. |
Remembrance Sunday |
see "Remembrance Day." |
remerge |
combined form of merge. |
remigration |
combined form of migration. |
remilitarization |
combined form of militarization. |
remilitarize |
combined form of militarize. |
remind |
to cause (someone) to recall something. [2 definitions] |
reminder |
something that causes a person to remember something. |
remindful |
having in mind or remembering. [2 definitions] |
reminisce |
to recall past experiences, often with fondness or pleasure. |
reminiscence |
the act of recalling usu. pleasant experiences or events of the past. [3 definitions] |
reminiscent |
having qualities or characteristics that remind one of someone or something (usu. fol. by "of"). [2 definitions] |
remiss |
careless or negligent, esp. in the performance of one's duty. [2 definitions] |
remissible |
capable of being forgiven. |
remission |
an act or instance of remitting. [4 definitions] |
remit |
to send (money) to someone or some place. [8 definitions] |
remittal |
an act or instance of remitting; remission. |