res |
in law, the subject matter, item, or object of a dispute involving property rather than an individual. |
resalable |
able or fit to be sold again. |
resale |
the act of selling something a second time. |
resample |
combined form of sample. |
reschedule |
to change the time of (something that has been planned). [2 definitions] |
rescind |
to take back or make invalid; revoke. |
rescission |
the act of rescinding or canceling. |
rescore |
combined form of score. |
rescreen |
combined form of screen. |
rescript |
an official answer from a Roman emperor or the pope in regard to a question of doctrine or law. [3 definitions] |
rescue |
to free or save, as from danger or confinement. [3 definitions] |
rescuer |
one who steps in and saves another from harm or restraint. |
resculpt |
combined form of sculpt. |
resealable |
combined form of sealable. |
research |
systematic investigation and study to obtain and analyze information, as about a theory, event, intellectual discipline, or the like. [3 definitions] |
re-search |
to search again. |
researchable |
combined form of research. |
researcher |
a person who engages in systematic scholarly investigation in order to gain knowledge or understanding or to solve a particular problem. |
reseason |
combined form of season. |
reseat |
to show to a new seat or seat again. [2 definitions] |
resect |
to surgically remove (an organ, bone, or the like). |