resistant |
unwilling to accept that which is imposed upon one; giving resistance. [2 definitions] |
resister |
a person who resists, esp. someone who works in opposition to the policies of a government or other dominant power. |
resistible |
capable of being resisted. |
resistive |
given to or marked by resistance. |
resistivity |
the degree of electrical resistance of a conductor, expressed in terms of the amount per unit of length. [2 definitions] |
resistless |
not capable of being resisted; irresistible. [2 definitions] |
resistor |
a part of an electric circuit that provides resistance to some of the current. |
resite |
combined form of site. |
resize |
to make larger or smaller while keeping all other featues the same. [2 definitions] |
res judicata |
a thing or matter already adjudicated. |
reslate |
combined form of slate. |
resoak |
combined form of soak. |
resocialization |
combined form of socialization. |
resocialize |
combined form of socialize. |
resod |
combined form of sod. |
resolder |
combined form of solder. |
resole |
to furnish (a shoe, boot, or the like) with a new sole. [2 definitions] |
resolidification |
combined form of solidification. |
resolidify |
combined form of solidify. |
resoluble1 |
capable of being resolved. |
resoluble2 |
that can be redissolved. |