resume |
to start or go on with again after an interruption. [4 definitions] |
resummon |
combined form of summon. |
resumption |
the act or fact of resuming something following a pause or interruption. |
resumptive |
tending to repeat or resume. |
resurface |
to provide or cover with a new surface. [2 definitions] |
resurge |
to rise again or come back to life. [2 definitions] |
resurgence |
the act or an instance of rising again or returning with a forceful motion. |
resurgent |
surging or rising once again; coming back. |
resurrect |
to restore to life or good standing; raise out of death or disrepute. [3 definitions] |
resurrection |
a return to life after death. [4 definitions] |
resurrection plant |
any of several plants, such as the rose of Jericho, that curl up during dry periods and expand and become green again when they get water. |
resurvey |
combined form of survey. |
resuscitate |
to bring back to life or consciousness; revive. |
resuscitator |
a person or thing that brings back to life or consciousness. [2 definitions] |
resynthesis |
combined form of synthesis. |
resynthesize |
combined form of synthesize. |
resystematize |
combined form of systematize. |
ret |
to moisten or soak (flax or hemp) in water in order to separate the fibers. |
ret. |
abbreviation of "retired," having ceased work or active service. |
retablo |
a decorative painting on a vertical panel or area of wall behind an altar. [2 definitions] |
retackle |
combined form of tackle. |